This video shown that we must understand something before implement it.. don't just do it literally.. or else we'll be like these workers.. :)
There are 3 stages of strategic management.. which is formulation, implementation and evaluation.. when an organization do some planning, they have to consider about internal and external assessment analysis.. SWOT analysis is one of the planning tools..
Strengths and weaknesses are the internal factors while opportunities and threats are the external factors.. |
After this chapter, Miss Ummi give us a little touch about vision and mission.. here are an interest video about the importance of vision and mision..
As we can see in this video, vision and mission are very important to everyone.. even when a person want to build a business, they will have their own vision and mission statements to help them achieve their objectives.. without these vision and mission, it's like we living without any meaning..
I think it would be like this robot.. just keep smiling without knowing their meaning.. |